Why it Works on Local Contractors Websites
Consumer Buyers
… as indirect benefactors, perform due diligence to qualify local dealers & contractors

Consumers are well-trained. They naturally search the websites of the contractors in their neighborhood, prior to selecting materials. The Platform automatically delivers our industries sales literature to their doorsteps … upon any computer device, before the bidding starts.
A Lesson on how to Naturally Gain Product Exposure … at Scale
FACT: 96% of Consumers will Search Contractors Websites prior to Starting any Building or Remodeling Project
Todays buyers want to be informed, educated and enticed to buy. They expect to see product options and choices when they view contractors websites. The Platforms’ only purpose, is to compile and promote our industries best sales literature. Placing them right where buyers expect them to be … and where they naturally start any project.
We believe our own industry channel …
should be the leading force locating & educating our buyers … not Google.
“Buyers expect to see ‘building products’ on contractors websites, just like they expect to see cars on Chevy sites.”
Contractors & Buyers Demand to See:
- consumer-focused sales literature
- product specs & amazing photos
- explainer videos
- color & style options
- warranty info & credit applications
- installation guides
- PDF catalogs
- suppliers social & media channels
Residential Contractors
… must provide industry product knowledge to satisfy homeowners expectations

The LBM Industry has One Chance to Place their Products where Buyers Look
Unlike Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Houzz, HomeAdvisor … who must continually pull buyers to them.
We work quietly in the background, placing literature right where buyers already naturally go, look & expect them.

Product Manufacturers, Distributors and Dealers can leverage the marketing budgets, reach and strategies of contractor’s across the Nation.
We don’t sell materials.
We’re not an e-commerce site, SEO or Lead Gen service.
Instead, we simply facilitate the sharing of product literature, so guys have the best industry-specific, web content to sell more jobs. We compile sales literature into
one great pocket reference guide.
We’re also independent. In fact, nobody can hire us to do anything for them, that we wouldn’t do for the entire Platform Network as a whole.
Proudly Display the Building Products you Work With
Dealers aka/ Local Building Suppliers
… must provide their contractor sales force with the product leverage to sell materials

Product Distributors & Investment Groups & Buyer Groups
… must leverage their channel partners reach, budgets and marketing means … to scale product awareness. This includes manufacturers, dealers and contractors

Customer Expectations are Very Different Today
Selling More Building Products & Materials … Requires Two Things:

That means, potential buyers must know you exist, what products you sell, and why those products should be specified in their next project. Placing your sales literature upon local contractors websites, and each of your dealer sites, allows you to have ‘more sales conversations’.

Our Product Platform does just that. Contractors carry your complete sales library with them 24/7, and consumers can view it anytime they visit local dealers or contractors websites. That gives your buyers ‘better sales conversations’.

using each of their assets and resources to advance YOUR own sales.
So whether your strategy is to ‘defend or attack’,
strive to become more visible and helpful
to those who’d benefit.
Building Product Manufacturers aka/ Suppliers
… must use the nations dealers & contractors to promote product awareness

Raising product awareness … because people can’t buy what they don’t know exists, or know nothing about.
Better than ever, our industry is working together to capture more sales from its shared buyer.